Clinic Time
Monday - Saturday : 10.00AM - 9.00PM

Gum Care

Gingivitis will often extend from the gums to the bone and lead to periodontitis.

Gum Care, Jothi Dental & Cosmetology Centre

Gingivitis starts when food debris mixes with saliva and bacteria which, in turn, forms dental plaque that sticks to the surfaces of teeth. If dental plaque isn't removed by brushing with toothpaste and flossing, it can become mineralized and form tartar, or calculus. Tartar is very hard, and only a professional dental cleaning can remove it.

Both dental plaque and tartar are filled with harmful bacteria, and if they aren't removed from teeth, they will begin to irritate the gums and cause gingivitis. If left untreated, gingivitis will often extend from the gums to the bone and lead to periodontitis.