Fissure sealants are plastic coatings that help to prevent tooth decay when applied to the chewing surfaces of teeth.
A tooth should be sealed soon after it has erupted. A newly erupted tooth is not yet fully calcified (hardened) and is susceptible to decay. The sooner it can be protected by a fissure sealant, the better. These sealants will be checked by your dentist every six months, as part of the professional oral care program. Sealants can be repaired or replaced if necessary.
The permanent molars are usually the teeth to be sealed. Where pre-molar teeth are deeply grooved or pitted, they should also be treated. As much as 90% of all dental caries in school children occurs in pits and fissures. The teeth at highest risk by far are the permanent first and second molars. Baby teeth are not usually treated in this way. However, if the baby teeth are very decayed, it is a sign that the child is susceptible to tooth decay. The permanent teeth should then be sealed as soon as possible after they erupt.