Clinic Time
Monday - Saturday : 10.00AM - 9.00PM


Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that corrects irregularities of the teeth, jaws and face.

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that corrects irregularities of the teeth, jaws and face. Corrective treatment is carried out by a specialist dentist, called an orthodontist. The orthodontist re-positions teeth and jaws that are not in their correct alignment and position. The dental term for this is malocclusion or bad bite. Orthodontics aims to ensure that the teeth and mouth look good, and function well.

    • Orthodontic problems can disfigure the face and mouth.
    • Orthodontics can improve the appearance of the teeth and face.
    • Normal speech and chewing can be made possible by orthodontic treatment.
    • A bad bite can make biting or chewing difficult or even impossible, and can cause the teeth to wear down.
    • Crooked teeth are very hard to brush properly.
    • If teeth are not kept clean, this can result in tooth decay, and loss of teeth.
    • Orthodontic problems can damage the gums and underlying bone structure.
    • If the jaws are not properly positioned, pain in the jaw joints can result.
    • Orthodontic problems can get worse if they are neglected. They will not just "go away".
    • If not treated in time, a problem can become more difficult and more expensive to treat later on.